Sunday, February 15, 2009


well Mrs Tay,

I have to say that i feel the exact same thing that you feel,leaving out the tired part.Camp was indeed very fun for me from the start to the end!But for some of the pupils they only enjoyed it after the Campfire and then regretted complaining at first.the food was kind of good except for the vegetables and rice...Well i don't think that any of thekids there like vegetables naturally unless your a vegetarian of course.i enjoyed the activities and i never thought that camp would actually allow so much screaming !!!Because you know me,im a person that loves to scream and respond loudly.And the teamwork games are pretty fun you know!oh and i felt rather comfortable during sleeping time,and even befor i slept me and my bestfriend sleeping beside me talked alot.I mean whisper!And the only rushing part is when we have to shower although it was really fun because when i rush with my friends beside me,its more of exciting then rushing!!!And during the campfire which rocks and will rock forever in my life!!!:)There was music and shouting and dancing and cheering!!!and then there wasw this guy sitting infront of me and my crazy bestfriends which hated the songs that they played and that we sang.It was truly hilarious!!!And it was such a pity that forgot to buy a present for my bestfriend who bought muffins for everyone in camp which was a big help to the food.She was announced infront of the whole campfire as the Camp Chief was touched by her parents call and visit to the campsite.Oh and then just to tell you that we children are restless and can torture the teachers and trainers until their voices until it gets hoarse like my voice for the past few days and got hoarse on the very first day of camp because of the shouting and singing in the bus as we went to the campsite.And i think my experience is going to last until it can make a staiway to heaven.And on the last minute when they put out the fire, my hope just went as deep as a bullet shot me...I really wish that camp would last forever and it would have extended into a longer time!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
